donderdag 30 april 2020

Fit dog friday Star has level 4

Another fit dog friday,

We are super proud of Star, she made it to level 4 Canine Fitness through do more with your dog.

She is the first rough collie listed on the website of Do more with your dog so that makes us even more proud.
Level 4 had some pretty hard exercises, but when you follow the program which we did, the dog gets really stronger and smarter as time goes on.

Here you see a little filmclip with Star doing the double beam.
She needed to place left paws on the left beam, right paws on the right beam.
It was hard, but it was do-able with lots of treats and a lot of patience.

Also it is very important to place the beams just as far away as is comfortable for the dog.
This was a great training journey for both of us.

zaterdag 25 april 2020

Dita, Dec 6 2009 / april 23 2020

Goodbye kindred spirit........
My girly Dita is going to heaven
Last Saturday she was behaving weird and that was the start of multiple seizures, we tried and tried but nothing helped, so we had to lett her go
Dita had a super beautiful live, we had so many beautiful adventures, we went to Crufts, we went to multiple world shows. She was my first dog to win a match, to win a specialty
We where always working together
Doing games and pulling the scooter (I know totally against regulations in the Netherlands)
Last year she got her leg injured and she needed a brace, but afterwards we where really active with fitness games, she loved it so much.
The last few days where so terrible she did not deserve that
So now she rests until we meet again
Goodbye stinkie
Dita " Ch Witching Hour of Dawn Harbour, W'10, JW'10, NJK, NL, Be, int, Dcc, CfbH, VDH, NVK, W'17, VW'17, bnlx vetW'18, bnlx vetW19"

Dec 6 2009 / april 23 2020

dinsdag 21 april 2020

Tricks on tuesday, Leia and Star get new titles

I'm so proud!!! Star gained her Advanced trick title and Leia got her Novice.
This was really fun to work on. I got Leia's title really easy as she is ofcourse very young and learning super quick.
We had already worked on basic things because it is important to raise any dog to become a nice companion.
But since the Lockdown we had more time to train and film stuff, so that was pretty easy.

Star's Advanced title was maybe not superhard, but it is advanced for a reason, and we where simultaniesly working on our level 4 fitness.
We needed 5 tricks for Advanced so we chose
Push a taplight, Bow, Walk Backwards, Chinrest and sidestepping through a ladder with back legs.

Here is a little video of her advanced tricks

We have loads of fun training and it keeps us occupied with our dogs, patiently waiting for new dogshows to come.

maandag 20 april 2020

Donations for the collie health foundation

I'm so blessed to have so many people reading my blog, I really apreciate that, and since it is almost my birthday, and Facebook has so many nice charity's you can support on your birthday, I would like everyone to join and donate a little to the Collie Health foundation.

They do such great work for our breed, and I got this from their website

  • To foster and promote the public’s knowledge and appreciation of dogs in general and collies in particular;
  • To further understanding of the diseases, defects, injuries and other ailments that afflict dogs in general and collies in particular;
  • To support and promote the study of and research on the history, character, varieties, breeding genetics and particular health problems of collies;
  • To establish a national data base of resource materials about collies;
  • To produce, publish & distribute to the general public educational materials about the proper care, treatment, breeding, health, development & training of collies  " 
If you like to donate wow,
And maybe you even want to join! Even more Wow.

Thank you in advance

check out my facebookpost for donations

vrijdag 17 april 2020

Fit dog friday ladder work

As the world is still staying at home I will show you a nice exercise with Scarlett, we filmed this when she was a few weeks before her 11th birthday, and we still do this exercise very often.


I used my cavaletti's at the medium setting and not spaced to wide from each other
You can use a normal ladder also
Always treat after they went over all the rungs
This can be can be more challenging than you think, but if Scarlett can do it, your dog can do it too

dinsdag 14 april 2020

Tricks on tuesday

At the moment we are still at home, as almost everyone on the globe, and we are working alot on tricks as you could see in our previous posts.

I'd like for the time being, to post video's of various tricks that we trained with our dogs.
And share some information on how I trained my dog the trick.

First one is touch target stick,
I don't have a real target stick, so I use a ball wanger.
The point is that they touch the end of the stick with their nose.

How to do this, ofcourse there are several ways but I tought it like this
I make sure I have a clicker and loads of treats ready.
The moment the dog takes interest in the stick I click, I suggest to hold the stick with the handle pretty short. After a few repetitions of taking interest, try to wait out that the dog does not only take interest, but wil touch it with his nose.
This should not be too hard to do.
When they are touching the stick almost every time, I would hold the stick out with the handle a bit longer.
After a while that should go great too, and I would put the behaviour on cue.
I say "touch" then I present the stick, and when your dog touches the stick, click and treat.

And there you have it. You teached your dog a cool trick, this trick could come in handy if you want to teach your dog spin circles or other cool tricks aswell.

zondag 12 april 2020

Happy Easter

A happy easter from Glamourace Collies!!!!
This week a few of these hearts where placed in and around the area where we live.
So we liked to get a simple picture with our dogs posing with one of those hearts.
It says care for each other, and in this time we should

Stay home,
Stay safe
Happy Easter

Emmy, Star, Scarlett, Lucky, Leia

Judy, Dita, Vivien, Anna 

vrijdag 10 april 2020

Fitness title for Scarlett

It is a while back now, but we have been working a lot on tricks and fitness in the last few months. I always wanted to try something out with my older dogs, and since Dita has her leg injury I didn't want to put a lot of extra stress on her joints.
So I started doing fit-tricks with Scarlett.
I absolutely do fitness with Dita but not all the fit-tricks that are needed for a title.

So we worked for a month on all the things we needed to gain a title Canine Conditioning Fitness and we did great.
Scarlett gained her fitness title 1 month before her 11th birthday. I'm so proud that her body is still able to do this and she is so happy when she performs.

Look how proud Scarlett is with her medal 

zaterdag 4 april 2020

Working on Novice tricktitle with Emmy

As we are in a intelligent Lockdown (that is how our gouverment calls it) we are working on a Novice trick title for Emmy

For a title you need 15 tricks and we have loads of time training them.

I'm also giving online lessons on tricktraining with Emmy as my demo dog.
If you like to join you can go to Lucky Pink Paws Trick Dog Spark Team
It is totally free and so much fun.
Even puppies can train tricks and it builds a great bond with your dog.

Here are 4 of the basic tricks I did with Emmy