donderdag 30 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia day 12

Walk a line of platforms.

I'm a lucky girl, because my dad made 2 platforms for me, but when I did my exercises with Star I did not have these pieces of equiptment.
So I used chairs.

Now I used 2 chairs and my 2 platforms.
Leia is not afraid to go over the platforms, but that is because we did so much exercises in the whelping box, so this was very easy to train.

I placed my platforms in a way that she needed to think on the landing, but close enough that she would not make any weird jumping, the exercise is called Walk a line of platforms, not jump.

I lured with a cookie, and she was going great.

I hope you are all still liking this and following 
see you tomorrow 

woensdag 29 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia day 11

Ladder work.

Use a regular ladder, or a fancy rainbow ladder, or cavaletti's. Even can's with brooms will do the job.
Make sure your dog goes over the rungs, in a nice even way.
As you can see, Leia needs to really lift her paws, so this works her muscless, and she has to think about where she places her feet.

Ofcourse make sure you praise your dog as he goes over the rungs.
We are almost finished with our exercises for CCF1
Tomorrow again a video 

dinsdag 28 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia day 10

This exercise is scattered sticks.

Get your cavalleti sticks, brooms, other sticks, hoops what ever you can find,
just place it on the floor, no need for a pattern.
This makes the dog think on where he needs to put his paws.

Leia thinks this is pretty easy, 

Are you checking back tomorrow? 

maandag 27 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia day 9

Today is wall stand,
So your dog needs to stand against the wall, this is real great for the back end of the dog.

I lured Leia up, by putting a little treat in front of her nose, and then very slowly move it higher until she needed to come up and lean against the wall.
This can be a bit weird at first but if you keep calm, and keep encouraging with a cookie and a happy voice, your dog will do this in the first session of training!

Tomorrow another video

zondag 26 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia day 8

Paws up on a platform

This looks a lot like yesterday! Only now I use a little stool, you can also use a stack of books, a small fitness step for humans, a brick, you name it.
And again simply lure the dog up with a cookie.

Leia had really beautifull posture on this one.

Are you following along????
Tomorrow I have again a video for you 

zaterdag 25 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia day 7

Today is paws up disc.
I used a wobble cushion that is for people gym.
You can also use a sofa cushion or a real dog fitness inflatable.

Simply lure the dog up with a cookie

Leia was doing this since she was only a few weeks old, we put those pieces of equiptment in our whelping box, so this was not to hard.

See you tomorrow 

vrijdag 24 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia day 6

Jump through a hoop!!
Again I used a tug toy to get Leia enthousiastic, and a lot of praise aswell.
Jumping through a hoop can be intimidating for dogs, so first lure your dog through when you just hold the hoop up. Don't put any height on it.

After some great repetitions, you can slowly increase heigt, keep encouraging an praising, and if they get a bit scared, just lower the hoop again.
If you are enthousiastic and encouraging, this trick will be no problem

Tomorrow another video for you! 

donderdag 23 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia day 5


Just like the passive range of motion is this an exercise you need to be very carefull with. Also no jerking on limbs, but gentle stretching. And never ever on cold muscles. You really need to warm the dogs up.

So I did the stretching after some workouts.

Again a little bit longer video.

See you tomorrow

Fitness with Leia day 4

Nose touch!!!!
Leia adores her tug toy, so to get the best nose touch I use that toy.

To start with this exercise you need food and a clicker or marker word.
Hold out your hand, if your dog gets interested in your hand click and treat.
Then hold out your hand again, if they are interested in your hand for a few reps, then wait until they touch your hand and then click and treat.

If your dog is not interested in your hand, put a small piece of food inbetween your middle and ring finger. When they try to get that piece of food out, say touch and release the food.

I will play tug with Leia in between the nose touches to keep her energetic and engaged.

I hope you will check back tomorrow

dinsdag 21 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia day 3

Passive range of motion.
This can be a little bit harder for some dogs, because some don't like to be touched on their feet.
Leia also tought this was a bit weird.

This exercise is very relaxing, you manually rotate the limbs of your dog through their complete range of motion.
Don't just pull and jerk on limbs, that will only cause damage, but slow movement is really relaxing for the dog.

This video is rather long and if you like to know more about this exercise I suggest looking through the site and look for the stretching video of Scarlett.

Tomorrow we have a bit more action again

maandag 20 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia day 2

Day 2, are you ready. Leia defenitly is.
Today is Bar jump. 
We do have a lot of equiptment, but buckets and a broom will work just as well.

Begin with the bar on the ground, encourage your dog and praise when he get's over de bar. (and give a treat or toy)
Then slowly start raising the bar, and when they jump over, praise and treat!! This should not be so hard.
When I have a cookie Leia does this pretty well, but if I have her favorite tug toy, she performs even better.

Will you check back tomorrow for another exercise??

zondag 19 juli 2020

Fitness with Leia

Now we had our pictures with the fountains, I wanted to show you some training with Leia.
I hoped by now there would be some dogshows, but things are looking, well, not to positive.

But we keep positive!!!
Leia and I have been working on our Fitness title.
Star has all her fitness title's and we are working on our fitness champion title, and Scarlett also has her fitness title level 1. (CCF1)

As a coach I wanted to motivate the students to get active with their dog, and as an extra motivater I did all the exersices with Leia.

And as I now have all the video's I'd like to show you the video's aswell 
If you like to join, you are welcome, and if you like to get a title, just contact us and I'm glad to help out.

Here is the first video.
This is a substitution for walking on a treadmill. I do have a treadmill, and we use it very often, but I find it also very important to walk the dogs outside, next to my bike, or next to the step scooter.
Jogging is also very nice.
Leia has been running next to my step scooter for a few weeks now. We slowly build up the km's. Currently we are not even up to 1km. For me it is the most important to get her moving correctly.

Check back tomorrow for a next fitness video


zaterdag 18 juli 2020

Fountains in Fryslân

The last one, Leeuwarden, Ljouwert.
In 2018 Leeuwarden was cultural capital of Europe, so all the 11 cities got a fountain.
Also there was a lot of cultural stuff hapening in Leeuwarden and the whole province.

Because of the Corona virus there are no events, workshops or dogshows, and I wanted to show Leia so much.
I had this plan of visiting the fountains last year, but it was just an idea.
Ofcourse the first weeks of Corona Lockdown we did not go out. We went only for dogwalks close to home and the supermarket, avoiding people as much as we could.

In the last weeks of the Lockdown we decided that if we took distance and we played safe, we might be able to visit the fountains. 
We decided to take pictures of multiple fountains in one day making sure we would get to all of them before restaurants and such where opening up again. 
And we did it. Only 1 day before most of the catering industy would open up again we went to Franeker, Dokkum and ending up in Leeuwarden. Playing it safe and really not getting close to people as we want to be over with the virus asap, and have a normal live again, with events and dogshows, meeting up with our dog show friends.

This fountain is called Love, and it is Huge, really.
And sadly it was out. ( I saw this one in 2018 and then it was on and it is really pretty)

And because of the nice wheater and the fact it was not on, there where people sitting against this big masterpiece.

We really liked going to all the fountains, I don't think in a normal show year we would have been to all of them.
Because normally we love to be at home when we don't show, or go for walks in the wood.
But now times are so different.
As I write this we are not having dogshows. And we still take walks close to our home. Because tourism is now starting up and the woods we normally go to will be full of people.

We still try to maintain a social distance, but we sure hope to go back to normal as quick as possible.
I hope you all liked the pictures of Leia, and maybe I inspired people to go visit them too.

If you want to know more about the fountains you can visit This link and it will take you to the website with all the fountains and all the adresses.

My favorite fountain is Ijlst, but I do really love Leeuwarden.
Sloten and Bolsward are also on my toplist.

Maybe we will do some cultural picture taking again, it will probably will not be a weekly topic again. We will see!! 

zondag 12 juli 2020

Fountains in Fryslân

Nr 10, We have 11 cities in Fryslân, I know some of them are almost smaller then where I live myself, but they are cities
This week it is Dokkum, the only one that is in Dutch language exactly the same as in Frisian.

This one is called de Ijsfontein and like Franeker, mist is coming out of this one.
We went to this fountain the same day as we visited Franeker, so we made sure things where not being to hot for Leia, so cool water handy and airco in the car.

We found a nice bench in front of the fountain and I wanted Leia to stand on there like on a show podium. We are afterall show people.
She jumped on (ungroomed) and she stood very pretty so I did not bother with her paws being in the exact spot. I found she was pretty enough just as she is.

The fountain is pretty big and there is a fog coming out all the time, but on the pictures that is hard to tell. A bit sad that I was wearing a grey shirt and Leia is blue merle, ( I love blue merle, but it has no contrast with the fountain)
But I was asuming the fountain was white, I was wrong.

For us Dokkum is pretty far, so I only went there twice (now three times) and it is a very narrow place, we had a very hard time getting out of Dokkum.
Now this is almost the last one.
You probably can guess where we are next week.

zondag 5 juli 2020

Fountains in Fryslân

Slowly we are getting to all of the fountains of the Frisian 11steden.

This time we went to Franeker (Frentsjer)
And when we went there it was a very warm day, actually warmer then expected so yay for airco in the car.
We also took loads of cool water so we could refresh Leia whenever we wished, because dog health and welfare is The most important.

The fountain is called De Oortwolk, and as Franeker has a real museum to do with Astronomie, this was inspired on Astronomie.
We had to locate a bit where we could stand as we did not want to get wet, like we did in Workum.
Water is not coming out all the time so when we first came there we where almost dissapointed it was not on.
Later when we got to the fountain we found out a mist or a fog would come out instead of loads of water, and then we took pictures and it stopped again.

Also there where many people watching behind the camera, so Leia is looking everywhere, but not direct in the camera. She wanted so badly to go over and get a cuddle, and that is not ideal ofcourse in Corona times.

Look at her smile, she so much likes people, but these are not the times to get over to people and get hugs.......
Did I really like this fountain, mmmm. I don't think it is the prettiest of them all, you probably know how I like Ijlst. There is only 2 to go so then you can decide for yourselve
Next week another fountain