dinsdag 14 april 2020

Tricks on tuesday

At the moment we are still at home, as almost everyone on the globe, and we are working alot on tricks as you could see in our previous posts.

I'd like for the time being, to post video's of various tricks that we trained with our dogs.
And share some information on how I trained my dog the trick.

First one is touch target stick,
I don't have a real target stick, so I use a ball wanger.
The point is that they touch the end of the stick with their nose.

How to do this, ofcourse there are several ways but I tought it like this
I make sure I have a clicker and loads of treats ready.
The moment the dog takes interest in the stick I click, I suggest to hold the stick with the handle pretty short. After a few repetitions of taking interest, try to wait out that the dog does not only take interest, but wil touch it with his nose.
This should not be too hard to do.
When they are touching the stick almost every time, I would hold the stick out with the handle a bit longer.
After a while that should go great too, and I would put the behaviour on cue.
I say "touch" then I present the stick, and when your dog touches the stick, click and treat.

And there you have it. You teached your dog a cool trick, this trick could come in handy if you want to teach your dog spin circles or other cool tricks aswell.

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