maandag 4 mei 2020

Tricks on tuesday, with Vivien

Another tuesday, we are still at home, without any dogshows or events........
I must say it is getting weird, I do get payed but it does not feel ok.

But we do spent our times very well, and I started to train Vivien a bit.
I knew she would jump through a hoop, and she would probably do a sit and a stay and such.
And I could just take the novice tricks I did with the other dogs, but I tried to do something else.

Yes ofcourse we have our sit and down, only I now added a send to pedestal to my list.
Years ago I went to a real dogschool and they made me get my dog to a mark, and not even a real target mark, but I needed to send my dog
out to a place where I left my leash.

Ofcourse the dog I was training with, did not get it. And with force (yes omg with force) we had to made her go over to her leash.
And that is the reason I just stopped with such exercises as sending my dog away.

In the trick list of do more with your dog, you must send your dog to a pedestal, and the distance can be a little less then 1 meter.
So how I did this was, encourage Vivien to get onto the pedestal and treat her a lot of cookies.
With only a few cookies she was enthousiastic enough to go on it.

So she now knew the pedestal and I gave my cue word. ( I use my frisian cue word but it is like hop it up or something)
I stood next to the pedestal, said my cue word Viv jumped up, and I treated on the pedestal, (never treat when they get of)
That went pretty well with a few cookies also, then I increased the distance from the pedestal.
I made sure that every time Vivien went up on the platform I would reward with a lot of treats.

With in a few repetitions Vivien knew the drill and I teached her a trick I haven't been doing for 15 years because of the bad ways they where teaching.
I'm pretty proud we did this in a positive way

I hope you like this little educational story, I'm sure happy we can do something with our dogs in those weird times

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