zondag 21 juni 2020

Fountains in Fryslân

After Sneek we went to IJlst, or as we say Drylts
This one in my favorite, it is called "de Onsterfelijke Bloemen" meaning The immortal Flowers.

It was pretty sad the wheater was not so pretty, because this fountain is really beautifull, it has a lot of shiny and mirror-like parts so we probably need to go back and watch it, when the wheater is sunny

This one is also very huge and impressive and really easy to find.
(It was way harder to get out of this city)

Look how big!!!

As you can see, a lot of dark clouds, we where not lucky to see this masterpiece with this bad wheater.

Next week another fountain, I hope you enjoy this trips through my province of Fryslân, we sure do! 


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