zaterdag 17 februari 2018

First veteran point in Belgium for Dita

Last weekend in januari we went to Mouscron in Belgium, we did a very nice job with Lucky getting excellent 2 res-cac res-cacib
and Dita gaining excellent 1 veteran cac.
Judge was breedspecialist mr  Guy Devriendt from Belgium (Of Montegue Meadows)


Kc Winterswijk very great results

A little delay in the update of the site, but second half of januari we had the clubshow in Winterswijk.
We had great results, The Judge was ms Hassi Assenmacher Feijel for the collies and for the borzoi.

Lucky became best of breed and Emmy best opposite.
Lucky won the FCI group 1.
Anna became best of breed and won FCI group 10

We are very happy to start the year with such super results.
Also we made it into the local newspaper with Lucky on a huge picture!!