Canine Fitness/ Trick Titles!!!!!

I'm very happy to announce that I'm now a Certified Canine Conditioning Fitness Coach and Certified Trick dog instructor through , Do more with your dog.

I'm now allowed to award titles to students.

Come join my free facebook Class for fitness Lucky pink paws Canine Conditioning Spark team
Or to my trick classes Lucky Pinks Paws trick dog Spark team You can do all of this from the comfort of your own house. You only need to train with your dog, video yourself doing the exercises/tricks and send them to the facebook group for my evaluation!!!

I already trained towards a lot of titles with our own dogs.

Scarlett has fitness level 1, 
And Novice

Lucky has Novice trick
Leia has Novice and intermediat, and Fitness level 1
Emmy has Novice trick
Vivien has Novice trick

Star has Fitnes level 1,2,3, 4 and is Fitness Champion
Star has Novice, intermediat andvanced and Expert trick dog

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