maandag 27 mei 2019

Expecting a litter

We are so happy to anounce a litter again after 4,5 years of waiting.

 Ravenclaw black Illusion of Kingly Shine has been mated to our girl AKC ch. Highcroft Summer Embrace.

 Today ultrasound proved that Emmy is pregnant and we hope for a litter in the beginning of july.
Thank you Sabine for letting us use your strong beautifull boy!!!! And sharing the fun and knowledge

maandag 6 mei 2019

Dita retired from the dogshow ring

Finally I can post this,

Dita is retired from the showring, but not in a way we would hope. Before dogshow Antwerpen she stepped into something, and I don't know how, but she tore a tendon in her left front paw, causing her a permanent limp.

See this Facebook post I made few weeks ago

Ofcourse we are very sad about it, because Dita loved being with me in the show ring. But luckily arangements are being made, and we are going to see a specialist in making braces. This process takes a while so there is only 1 thing for us left to do, and that is waiting.
We ofcourse will update on Dita's journey, because she will be having a rehab period when her brace gets on her leg, she is currently in compulsory rest and that is hard, for her and for us. (Altough she scares the living daylight out of the chickens every single day)
She is amazingly cudly, mainly because that is the only thing she can do at the moment.

We will keep updates on Dita, and ofcourse at our place she is still being spoiled............