maandag 26 augustus 2019

Super show weekend in Malsch Germany

We had a brilliant weekend in Malsch Germany, We started it of on saturday with a seminar on the collie standard

The seminar was given by Krista Nelson Hansen ( Camlach collies) and Mary Benedict (Long Acre collies)  from the US.
It was a very nice seminar and again I got new insights, and despite the language barrier of German and English, I did manage to give the right anwer to a paricular question about soft expression. ( my English is pretty ok, but with hearing so much German around me I was shut down or some...thing)

Then sunday we had the EuropaSieger Show Judge Breedspecialist  by ms Mary Benedict (Long Acre collies)
Judy was Excellent 1 CACIB Winners Bitch and has for the second year in a row the title Europa Siegerin
Star was Excellent 1 CACIB
Lucky was Excellent 2 res-CACIB
Scarlett was Excellent 2 res-CACIB
Braceclass 2nd place

This was also the very last show for Scarlett as she is now offically retired from the showring.
We had a great time showing her but we think that is is best to stop now.
We had loads of fun and so many thanks to all the people who where loving our dogs. I really was so surprised that so many people knew Judy and came to our setup and get to know our dogs.


woensdag 21 augustus 2019

Pupdate week 7

It was a rough week. We had a lot of chalenges as breeders. Apparently food we bought was wrong. (It was the same food, but bought with another store, because of delay of delivery from the normal company) Terribly wrong. The puppies refused to eat, they probably smelled it was not good. But we made sure they ate, because pups need to grow, they need to eat.

We cried, we worked hard, we did not sleep for days, but we made sure the pups would be better. Pups went to the vet to be checked, stools where to be checked, no Virus was in their stools so the vet was also afraid of what was wrong.
I'm very gratefull that my parents took them to the vet in the daytime, and I could contact my vet about 24/7.

Lucky for us the Leia did not want to eat the regular food, even with all the fine things we mixed it with. And she was only eating the fancy food we gave to make the regular food more tastefull.
So then we tought hey, this is wrong, we throwed out all the food. And opened the new bag of food, from our normal delivery, and they where cured again. 

In between all the struggles we did as much we could to go on with their socializing. So we did work on Recal, we did work on new sounds, new objects, we did work alot on getting them housebroken and now they yell when they want to go pee, and they want to do it outside.
Potential puppy buyers went for a visit, and family was coming over to meet the babies.

Also nail clipping and even brushing teeth where on our list of things that need to be trained.

We introduced the crate, and they have much fun with it.

Upcoming week we can expand all fun and learning experiences even more.

Enjoy all the pictures and you know if you are interested, most likely there is only 1 puppy that needs a new home.

donderdag 15 augustus 2019

Pupdate week 6

Being outside is the most beautifull thing in the whole wide world, so when we have the change the puppies go outside. They just love gras. So we are a bit dissapointed the wheater will be not so nice over the weekend.
We had a little luck with real thunder and we are so happy the babies did not mind it at all.

We had a lot of fun with some cool interactive toys, I have video's on that but not yet uploaded to YouTube so that will be in another post.
Maybe the Dutch pupdate of this weekend

Also the babies have been microchipped this week so we can go get their first shot, and have more fun in the outdoor world!!!!
Until next pupdate, and don't forget if you are interested don't hesitate and send a message

zondag 11 augustus 2019

Nederlandse Pupdate week 5,5

Wat een avondturen. Week 5 is meestal het begin van een angstfase bij alle pups. Gelukkig is het bij alleen schrik reacties gebleven en zijn we daar nu overheen. Prachtig te zien dat het lichaam allemaal van die functies heeft.

We hebben regelmatig nieuwe items die we aan de pups presenteren en ze vinden alles interessant. Voer is nu niet meer geweekte brokjes maar enkel de brokjes en mama Emmy bemoeit zich er steeds minder mee. Al is ze wel heel lief en zacht en wilde ook haar pupjes graag een stukje van haar kippennek geven, wat wij dan weer minder vonden.

Spelen in de woonkamer wordt nu ook steeds leuker dan in de ren, en af en toe krijgen we het al voor elkaar dat poepjes en plasjes buiten worden gedaan!!!!
Ook is er dit weekend gras geintroduceerd. Wat een leuk materiaal is dat. Het waaide een storm en dan ook nog een dikke tracktor door het weiland. Het was een hele belevenis maar wat vonden ze het mooi.

Voor 1 of 2 reuen zoeken we nog een huisje.
Bij interesse stuur een mailtje (bellen mag ook, maar we zijn vaak veel bezig met de honden, dus is mailen vaak makkelijker)

woensdag 7 augustus 2019

Pupdate week 5

We had so much fun this week.
The puppies grow amazing and doing so well. We try to take them outside in their little run every day for half an hour or an hour never more. They love being outside.

We are also blessed that collies are so clean, so doing potty is most of the time not in their play and sleep area, but on a special blanket that is close to the door.
Even outside they don't want to soil their play area and they will scream to go outside, and then go happily in the playpen again after relieving.

We are busy to make them comfortable in all kinds of situations, nails are being clipped on Saturday and we make them get used to brushes, their collar, a leash, think of it. Only in small bits and pieces.

We are very pleased with the happy attitude of the babies, they don't seem to be frightened, but we also know week 5 is sometimes crucial in fear periods.
So we will only be doing fun and happy activities the upcoming few day's and then next week we can do more exiting things again, when they get over this fase.
I hope to be doing a timelapse or another dutch post this weekend, because many people apreciate the Dutch postings aswel.

For questions don't hesitate and send a message