zondag 29 maart 2020

Star Intermediat Trick dog title

We don't have dogshows going on I think almost globally, so here at Glamourace Collies we are trying to keep our dogs occupied

As I'm a new canine fitness coach and a trick dog instructor, I'm working towards titles in both fitness and trick training

Here is Star with her Intermediat tricks
Enjoy the video, and if you like to train tricks also, join my free facebook spark team
Lucky Pink Paws trick dog Spark Team

zondag 1 maart 2020

Beautifull showday in Groningen

Very nice and succesfull day for us at int Dogshow Groningen

Lucky got exl 1 res CAC res CACIB
Leia got very promissing 1 best puppy of the breed
And Judy gained Exl 1 CAC CACIB BOS!!!!

Judge was ms M Vermeire from Belgium, thanks so much for the great results!!!