zondag 28 juni 2020

Fountains in Fryslân

From IJlst to Sloten, Sleat in my language.

And from a huge one to another large work of art.
This one is called "Kieviet"  because of the bird the girl is having in her hands.

This one is also one of my favourites. I has a lot of buckets, with a man standing on it, and the man is holding the girl on his shoulders, and the girl has a bird in her hands.

Not really a lot of impressing water coming out, but it is beautifull sculpted. 
And it was super easy to find!!! 

It was a hard time getting the whole fountain on it!

This was already fountain nr 8, only 3 to go being, Franeker, Dokkum and Leeuwarden. I've been to all the places before as I did the traditional cycling tour de 11steden tocht, as many Frisians, but this trip takes us to a lot of unknown stuff.

Next week Leia will be visiting one of the other fountains, maybe you can already take a guess.
I hope you will check in next week....... 

zondag 21 juni 2020

Fountains in Fryslân

After Sneek we went to IJlst, or as we say Drylts
This one in my favorite, it is called "de Onsterfelijke Bloemen" meaning The immortal Flowers.

It was pretty sad the wheater was not so pretty, because this fountain is really beautifull, it has a lot of shiny and mirror-like parts so we probably need to go back and watch it, when the wheater is sunny

This one is also very huge and impressive and really easy to find.
(It was way harder to get out of this city)

Look how big!!!

As you can see, a lot of dark clouds, we where not lucky to see this masterpiece with this bad wheater.

Next week another fountain, I hope you enjoy this trips through my province of Fryslân, we sure do! 


dinsdag 16 juni 2020

On the move

Here is another on the move video, and this one is a recent one.
We made this last sunday, the wheater was great so we went to our local sportlocation.
Unfortunatly they just mowed so there was a lot of loose grass.

It was a bit funny because Leia tried to snitch the grass while gaiting, so a lot of footage had to be edited from the video.
And because of that we needed to re-start again and again, making me more tired.
I am a runner, but running at a speed that the dog is gaiting nicely is very different from jogging.

I hope you like this video of Leia, she is 11 months in this clip! 


zondag 14 juni 2020

Fountains in Fryslân

Sneek!!!! or Snits as we say
This fountain is very close to the Waterpoort and it is actually not very far from our home.
It is pretty strange we never saw this one, because we do sometimes go to Sneek for shopping.

This one is called "Fontein van Fortuna" and it must resemble the goddes Fortuna. ( I'm researching a bit while posting this, I get confused because there is a man standing on a golden ball, and it resembles a Goddes??)

It is standing in the middle of the water so really close for a picture was just not an option

The Waterpoort and the fountain

In front

From another angle

We also found this statue aswell, it is called de Touwslager 

zondag 7 juni 2020

Fountains in Fryslân

From Stavoren to Hindeloopen, Hylpen

This one is called "Flora and Fauna" 
It was not easy to reach this one, you cannot go there with your car.
Hindeloopen is one of the smallest city's we have, and it is called city because of the city rights.
We where not impressed by this one at all. The water was not coming out of it really clear, and the whole thing looked like a dead tree. ( I'm sorry, I know it is hard for an artist to make art..... I really do, but it doesn't mean I cannot have an opinion) 
I like Workum more then this one.

But I found a very nice small statue of a war veteran, that was really close to the fountain, so I took a pic of that also.

I tought of show stacking Leia, but the ground was very uneven. I still thinks she makes a nice picture.
Next week will be way more pretty I tell you!!!!

I must say we enjoy this culture trip, I get to know some places I normally would not go to.
And I do hope you enjoy this culture trip with me.

Shame her front feet where in a bump in the ground, 
Still a beautifull picture 

Peter Tazelaar, War veteran 

vrijdag 5 juni 2020

Fit dog friday Stretches

Another fit dog friday, to keep fit we do exercises, but it is also important to stretch, to make sure to keep the body flexible.
It is not advisable to just tug and stretch cold muscles, just as it is not very handy to go workout without any warming up

In these video's you see the passive range of motion and stretch exercises that we had to do for our level 1 canine fitness


Both are demo's with Scarlett, collies can be a bit anoying when it comes to touching their legs and feet, so she really wants to watch what I do constantly.

Also here is another video that shows passive range of motion, I demonstate this with Lucky

When you get the hang of it, this is really relaxing and enjoyable for the dogs.

dinsdag 2 juni 2020

Tricks on tuesday Vivien has her Novice title

And another Novice tricktitle for one of our dogs
This time was Vivien's turn

She is extreme energetic and sometimes super hard to train.
She loooooovvveeeesss to work, but out of her enthousiasm she doesn't know what she is doing.
So I was actually very surprised what we both could do!!!

Enjoy her video below.
And if you are exited yourself, just hop to Facebook, and check out Lucky pink paws trick dog spark team and earn your title

In 3 to 4 weeks you can get a title.


maandag 1 juni 2020

Game with toilet rolls

We are not only working on conformation or tricks. But every now and then we do make our own snuffle games.
Over the years I also collected many nice plastic games. (also wooden games, but I don't really like those, because of cleaning reason)

Most fun things with making your own games is, that you can make it from material you would normally throw out in the trash.

We collect stuff, like emtpy toilet rolls, and if we have enough I make a game. If the game is done, I will throw it away and collect new.

This game is pretty easy.
Just throw the toilet rolls in a dishpan, put in some cookies and there you go!!!!

I make sure that I take the amount of food, from their daily allowance so they don't get fat!
You can even give your dog their whole diner in this game.

If your dog thinks this is a bit strange try it out first with less rolls, and gradually ad more
All ages can do this, and even Anna likes it!!!